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Category: farm updates

July 8, 2019

Farming the Grand Canyon

In early April, Jodie and I had the opportunity to go to the Grand Canyon.  We had never even seen the Canyon before, but we were invited to take our youngest daughter, Faith, and go along with three other families to hike.  The asset that we had to take advantage of was that Aaron Wilson […]
Don Lamb
June 19, 2019

This is a Season

We read in the Bible, “to everything there is a season.” We have experienced this in our personal lives through relationship or life changes. We recognize what to look for when the physical seasons shift and prepare accordingly, but no one could prepare for a season quite like this. With every week that has passed, […]
Audrey Luse
June 6, 2019

Sleepless Thoughts from a Midwest Farmer

I’m doing something right now that I am not proud of.  The bible says that we “should not be anxious”, but I have to admit that right now, I am.  An element of this anxiety could be from the fact that it is 12:22 am and I have gotten 3 hours of sleep the past […]
Don Lamb
May 22, 2019

To The Anxious Farmer

I began my full time career in agriculture 3 weeks ago but yet I’ve been surrounded by agriculture my whole life. My name is Audrey Luse and I graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Agronomy earlier this month. For me, this spring will be a memorable one as it starts the rest of […]
Audrey Luse
May 9, 2019

Rain, Rain Go Away

  This is one of the latest starts to planting that I can remember. It’s a different feeling driving around the county at the beginning of May and not seeing a single piece of equipment in a given field. There is no doubt that we are eager to begin field work and are anxious to […]
Don Lamb
April 12, 2019

The New Compost Turner on the Farm!

In the early 90s we began to consider the idea of using compost practices on our farm. At the time this was a very forward thinking practice to enhance land production. We entered an agreement with Perdue Farms to process their turkey litter from nearby locations in order to develop a compost mix. This idea […]
December 28, 2018

End of the Year 2018 Wrap Up

The bottom line is that we had a great year – with our all-time highest yields of both soybeans and corn. The last half of the season was a challenging one with rainy weather. Some corn stalk health was not so great, there were areas that fell over prematurely. It is a little more difficult […]
Don Lamb
September 17, 2018

How can a few people standing in an Indiana farm field make a global impact?

God has a way of making things happen. We recently hosted our Farming God’s Way (FGW) conference here at Lamb Farms. This is the third year we’ve held the event and also the third year that Grant Dryden of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, the founder of Farming God’s Way, has led the conference. Farming God’s […]
Don Lamb
August 27, 2018

How the Crop Really Looks

If you’ve driven a country road lately, you’ve seen the tasseled corn and big, lush soybean plants. This has been an ideal growing season and many fields look ahead of schedule. As it appears now, yields will likely be above average, and it will be a banner year for farmers. That’s how things appear. The […]
Don Lamb
June 27, 2018

Amber Waves of Grain

If you’ve driven across Indiana these past days, you’ve probably seen a golden wheat field – just like those that inspired the line in America the Beautiful. A ready wheat field means it’s the peak of summer. To hard-working farm kids, it means a couple days on a wagon in the blazing sun stacking bales […]
Don Lamb